Category Archives: “Won’t you help a brother out?”

Love Letters and Learning

HA! ‘Thought I was holding out and being a lazy ass all month long, didn’tcha? Well.. ok yes, that is *partly* true. But I also managed to complete this comic, which I confess, was more difficult that I thought it would be.

All that nostalgia doubled me up and turned me in sludge during the process, but at least, it’s finally finished! Without further ado, here’s my take of this April’s topic: “Roots”.

You rock, New Slang. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to take part!


Don’t you just love Luchador masks? They’re so colorful and fierce (not Tyra Banks duh), but they’ve got this kitschy look about them too. I’d collect tons of the stinky, festive things if I could! And thusly:

Here’s a bunch of ridiculous his-and-hers I cooked up last night ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll admit; only the first one looks like a bona fide design. The red and green look like Mexican rodeo clowns and the purple is a tad too… purple. Hee. Either way, they were great practice and I figured, since buying them is highly unlikely, why not make my own collection here on CerealSat? Doot Doot… Maybe I just need more material to comick. Hmmm..

Query? Would any of you out there be interested in wearing these on a tee? Please to reply if you fancy ๐Ÿ™‚ In the mean time-ร‚ย Muzak!

Hi all…

Knives, my darling laptop is currently in the shop. Her video card conked out yesterday afternoon and it might be another 1-2 weeks before I get her back. (cue eating my feelings)

In the mean time, I’m working on Gizmo’s little red Acer, Vanessa. She’s a tiny little thing, and her keyboard is just my size. ‘Makes me wonder how Giz’s huge man hands manage without clomping around.

And yes, while I unfortunately haven’t got anything new to really post, I just felt I’d share my first bonafide commission and photoshop’d … thing:

Looks like Rainbow Brite snorted radioactive skittles. Lisa Frank (meets Bill Nye) was the peg so please don’t scoffร‚ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ hehehe…

(Tzi “Baman” David, Rina “The Fonz” Alfonso, and Dave “scrotumnose” Alegre, you guys are the best.)

Look familiar? It was based on that baby shower invite I made for Jen and baby Lucy all those months back (Love you girls<3) Thanks for the work too, Alysia! Twas a pleasure.

Side note: No I won’t be boring all of you with off handed braggy talk for every time I get paid to do something. But “firsts” deserve a post, right? (sheepish grin)