Last week or so, the lovely Alice asked me if I was interested in contributing comics on “Dating” for New Slang. Naturally, I yelled HELLYES! got to work immediately, and then proceeded to tear my hair out the next following day. As it turns out, I know next to NOTHING on dating. YES I can share a story or two about relationships, but somehow that’s not quite the same thing, is it?
Gizmo, I resolve that we should go on more dates.
Either way, please excuse the choppy narrative… I kind of winged it on the final stretch and didn’t plan it out as well as I should have. ‘Hope you enjoy though!
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Reg, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now (not stalking! just reading!) and this is my favorite post of yours. I love it!
After all, what is dating, really, than a search for electricity?
So so true. Can I repost? 🙂
HAHA! Hey Ailen! How’ve you been? Haven’t seen you in so long 🙂
Thank you, and OF COURSE you can repost 🙂 I’d love to share CerealSat with as many people as I can.
Why does that last part look like two girls kissing? ARE YOU A LESBIAN?
Or is Gizmo just really pretty?
HAHAHAHAHA YOU DELIGHTFUL MAN. NO, that is not Gizmo and clearly, as I am dating a bearded man with authentic man parts, I am NOT gay.
Now I know what Charlie Sheen meant by BIWINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!1