Tag Archives: Ruminations

Just a thought.

I don’t mean to be a roaring feminist, really… but this idea just popped into my head this afternoon. This is largely attributed to the fact that just a few hours ago, my skin was a greenish grey tinge and smeared with the gooiest, most delicious home cooked blood ever. Seriously. All you needed was bread, a blindfold, and you would have gotten insta- dessert. (Pics to follow. Maybe. Belated Happy Happy, Ken!)

Anyway, my lust for brains was cut short later on today, when I stumbled upon this article.

What happened to this poor woman is atrocious, and it twists up my insides when I think about the maniacal cruelty certain countries practice in the name of religious justice. Places where mutilation as a form of judicial punishment is commonplace.

I think she’s still beautiful, despite what they did to her face… but I suppose it was that particular wound that struck a familiar chord in me, having inflicted the very same on my own comick’d zombie women (and men). I have drawn and quartered many a person with my zombie doodling, but I suppose it was seeing the same wounds on an actual victim that got me thinking and shook my cavalier approach to the grotesque from my imagination.

Now, I’m not claiming that the undead specifically target women; death and the “virus”  (mononegavirales- thanks google!) do not discriminate either gender. However, that being said, you’d have to agree though, that there IS a distinct popular preference for slutty zombie women as mindless, sex creeps you can shag and/or shoot.

All I’m saying is, that I don’t think I’ll ever look at a zombie skank the same way again. The same way I don’t think I’ll ever be able to casually maim my doodles, (whether their humanity is intact or not) the same way either.

I had no idea…

Lately, I haven’t been drawing out any new comics to share, but I have been illustrating little bits here and there as commission work… Who would’ve thought that drawing raging, violent bastards could be so much fun?! I mean, I don’t think I’ve been more pensive than usual lately, but I had no idea doodling a brawl could be so rewarding! (Thank you for the opportunity, Joel!)

To read more, and listen to Joel Darwin’s kick ass sad and angry bastard mix tape, click here (hard!)


Alrighty then. I’ve got 2 copies of “clean-up” left, and they’re reserved for one: Migs Marfori and another Zig Marasigan. I honestly don’t know when I’ll be seeing either of you soon, but I’ll just hang onto these til I do : )

In the mean time… I think it’s time I posted it here; the month of May is over, after all. Without further ado:

Side note: Lots of people have commented on how huge my room looks here. Truthfully, it’s not. See all those white spaces? Those don’t really exist. I just added them so that the inking wouldn’t be as sloppy.

Plus points if you can guess the book.

(The End.) Then Segue:
The End-End.

“Because X is the new Y”

Last week or so, the lovely Alice asked me if I was interested in contributing comics on “Dating” for New Slang. Naturally, I yelled HELLYES! got to work immediately, and then proceeded to tear my hair out the next following day. As it turns out, I know next to NOTHING on dating. YES I can share a story or two about relationships, but somehow that’s not quite the same thing, is it?

Gizmo, I resolve that we should go on more dates.

Either way, please excuse the choppy narrative… I kind of winged it on the final stretch and didn’t plan it out as well as I should have. ‘Hope you enjoy though!

Like what you see?  Check out New Slang for more prose and essays by artists who tell it like it is.