Tag Archives: Dramedy

El Nino, El Gringo

We all have our own ways of dealing with this ridiculous heat. Some of us take it graciously, while others (including myself).. not so much.

Last Friday, I took a trip to the LTO to finally, finally renew my license…

As I was saying… we all have different ways of dealing with the heat.

Side note to purists: Yes, yes I KNOW that Johnny Blaze only becomes Ghost Rider by night. I’m just playing around. : )

>> Reading bits of the Ghost Rider mythos on wikipedia 😉 turns out he can change at will! Hurm. My mistake. I honestly should read more of this… I mean, beyond that what my kuya and I used to read in the 90’s 🙂 Gizmo? That’s your cue. Hee.

Love Letters and Learning

HA! ‘Thought I was holding out and being a lazy ass all month long, didn’tcha? Well.. ok yes, that is *partly* true. But I also managed to complete this comic, which I confess, was more difficult that I thought it would be.

All that nostalgia doubled me up and turned me in sludge during the process, but at least, it’s finally finished! Without further ado, here’s my take of this April’s topic: “Roots”.

You rock, New Slang. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to take part!

I’ve been… busy.

Hi low all! I know I’ve been delinquent over here at CerealSat, but things have just gotten a little busier lately. For starters, I set up an online shop selling clothes and whatnot (mostly clothes, perhaps the “whatnot” will come later. In the market for some girly wares? Stop by and give me your moneyz!)

A lot of the pain has been due to shipping and the other various nuances belonging to online consumerism. -_- It’s trickier than I thought! There’s pails of impulsiveness and trust involved; for my part, the bulk of it has been trying to look respectable and mask the stink of desperation. (Cue the crazy eyes @_@) Luckily, business has been picking up, so all my obsession hasn’t been for naught. Anything to make a quick buck, right? Heck, maybe I ought to start selling original art from over here. How would you guys feel about that? Any takers? (nervous giggle)

Anywho, I felt so guilty about neglecting CerealSats that I threw this together just a few hours ago (WHOO LOOKIT THE TIME). I also very hastily shaded it. So… yeah. Here:

To all of you out there who have been kind enough to purchase my wares, THANK YOU. Your cash will most probably be spent on alcohol in your company. Good night! I love you!

Just 4 hours ago or so…

this little episode happened at the dinner table:

True Story.

Dear Universe,

I promise to grow up really, really soon and properly apologize to Mix for that… up there.

>> Peace! Reg

PS. Noticed how the paper is yellowish this time around? I’m trying out this kind of paper… It’s not as great as I hoped it would be.

For the Love of a Man

Hey folks! Here’s a comic about an Avilon Zoo trip Giz and I went on a couple of Saturdays ago. ‘Hope none of you are diabetic (I kid. It’s not THAT schmaltzy). Enjoy!

(Fun Facts: Their orangutan male is named “Joey” and their tiger is “Ruffa”!

Hehe… Wonder if her keeper’s an Annabelle)

Thusly, from now on, I resolve to do most of my lettering with a fancy computery font. *Is so proud, beams are shooting outta her butt*

Inbetween Days

Alright kids… just like the first panel in this set says, these hourlies were drawn and inked out the day right after I resigned from good ol’ Bates 141. (That was… around Feb 2 or something. @_@)

Now,some of you might be thinking: “ZOMG REG YOU QUIT??”, while a few of you are more of a “Pfft. Old news.” variety. I apologize for the loss of days here at cerealsat, but just like my last two entries screamed, I do NOT own a scanner. That said, updates might have to be more scheduled from now on, since I no longer have the luxury of a fast working, hi-res Canon scanner right at my desk. (/tear)

NOR do I have a steady income of moneyz…(/cry)

…or officemates to troop to Bugsy’s with at 7:00 PM. (/WAAAH)

AHEM. But enough of the bawling right? This is old hat news as far as my days go, afterall. So without further delay:

I also apologize for the wonky spacing and de-sat quality. I SHOULD fix it, but after all the bruhaha I went through just get these 5 pages up (finally) I really would rather NOT. hehe… (I dunno. Maybe later after supsup._

Off we go!

So… I just went ‘splooey…

Normally I’d have a short introduction before jumping straight into the thick of things, but in this case, I’m running late for dinner with Gizmo and meh tummy’s getting angry. Could use a drink- but ANYWAY. Here we go:

And you can too! Labo, tch.

Don’t understand a word I’m saying? Scroll down to number one here, or mosy on down to your nearest swanky bookstore and pick up a copy. It’s as hefty as the price tag, but trust me, it’s well worth your money. PEACE!